Mental health resources online
Kelty's Key
Antidepressant Skills Workbook
Looking After Yourself Modules
Anxiety Canada
ACT Mindfully (check out the videos!) - COVID specific video HERE
Pacifica Bibliotherapy - currated books about mental health
Palouse Mindfulness (free course "MBSR")
Free CBTi - for insomnia

Family Smart (connect with other parents of kids with mental health concerns)
UNICEF parenting tips

BC government resources (including low-no cost counseling)

Here2Talk - for secondary school kids - free virtual counseling for ages 12-24 via Foundry

Depression Resource Guide for Physicians - comprehensive printable list of resources

Calm (good for sleep)
CBT iCoach for insomnia
Calm Harm App (for self harm)
Calm Fear App (for anxiety)
Insight Timer (for meditation)
Down Dog Yoga (free yoga, including prenatal!)

Youth Handouts

Sleep habits
Daily activity tracker
Common thinking errors
Dealing with digital stress