Preventive Health at Meadowbrook Family Practice
A lot has changed in the last ten years, and as your family doctors we want to support you in understanding preventive health options and screening in light of new ways of delivering care.
Preventive Health Virtual Appointments
If you have received an in-office ‘Complete Physical’ before, or if you are interested in reviewing your options for chronic disease prevention, cancer screening, and/or updating your vaccinations, you can discuss with your doctor by booking a virtual ‘Preventive Health’ appointment.
What is discussed at these appointments?
Your eligibility for certain examinations and tests depends on your age, sex, family history and risk factors. Your doctor will review the evidence and consider your values and preferences and you can decide together which tests you are interested in.
Following this appointment, you may come in for specific examinations in the office, meet with our nurse for vaccinations, or you may go directly for blood tests or screening tests.
Cancer screening:
Cervical cancer (25-69): We recommend pap tests for women ages 25-69 every 3 years. If you received a letter that you need a pap test, please call to book a pap test.
Breast cancer (50-69): We recommend mammograms for women ages 50-69 every 2-3 years. For women who have a first-degree relative with a history of breast cancer, we recommend annual mammograms from the age of 40.
Colon cancer (50-74): We recommend a stool test called fecal immunochemical test (FIT) for adults ages 50-74 every 2 years. For those with a first-degree relative with history of colon cancer, we recommend earlier screening and a colonoscopy every 5-10 years.
Lung cancer (55-74): We recommend low-dose computed tomography (low-dose CT) annually for 3 consecutive years in adults ages 55-74 who are currently smoking or have a 20 pack-year smoking history
Prostate cancer: We do not recommend routine screening in patients without symptoms.
Ovarian cancer: We do not recommend routine screening in patients without symptoms
Chronic disease screening:
Osteoporosis (65+): We recommend a bone density test (DXA test) in adults age 65+. Adults who are at a higher risk of fractures may need screening earlier from the age of 40.
Diabetes (40+): We recommend blood sugar tests for adults ages 40+ who are at a high risk of type 2 diabetes. Please complete the CANRISK Questionnaire to find out if you qualify for screening.
Heart & Stroke (40+ men, 50+ women): We recommend cholesterol tests for men ages 40+ and women ages 50+ every 5 years.
Abdominal aneurysm screening (65-80 men): We recommend a one-time abdominal ultrasound for men ages 65-80 years.
Tetanus: We recommend a Tetanus booster every 10 years. This vaccine is free of charge.
Shingles (50+): We recommend the 2-dose Shingrix vaccine for adults ages 50+. This vaccine is not covered by the government.
Pneumonia (65+): We recommend the Pneumovax-23 vaccine for adults ages 65+. This vaccine is free of charge. Adults who have a stem cell transplant or current HIV infection will also qualify for free coverage for the Prevnar-13 vaccine.
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